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Supported Features

Purpuri only supports a subset of Java 7 features.
An exhaustive list would be exhausting to produce, so here's a list of unsupported features instead:

  • Every class in the Java Standard Library (java.*, javax.*)
  • Exceptions
  • Stack unwinding
  • Debugging

This means it does not support any features higher than Java 7:

  • Lambdas
  • Modules
  • Static, private or default interface methods
  • Method References
  • Direct execution of Java Source files.
  • Dynamic class-file constants
  • Switch expressions
  • instanceof pattern matching.
  • Records
  • Sealed classes

Supported opcodes

  • noop
  • return, ireturn
  • new
  • arraylength
  • newarray, anewarray
  • bcdup
  • invokespecial, invokevirtual, invokeinterface, invokestatic
  • putfield, getfield
  • putstatic, getstatic
  • [ilfd]store
  • iconst_m1, iconst_[0-5]
  • fconst_[0-2]
  • dconst_[0-1]
  • istore_[0-3]
  • iload_[0-3]
  • dstore_[0-3]
  • dload_[0-3]
  • fstore_[0-3]
  • aload_[0-3]
  • astore_[0-3]
  • aaload, iaload
  • aastore, [ilsbcfd]astore
  • fload_[0-3]
  • imul, iadd, isub,
  • fmul, fdiv
  • dmul, dadd, ddiv
  • i2d, d2f, d2i, f2d, f2i
  • d2l, f2l, i2b, i2c, i2f, i2l, i2s, l2d, l2f, l2i
  • ldc, ldc2_w
  • drem
  • bipush
  • if_icmpeq, if_icmpge, if_icmpgt, if_icmple, if_icmplt, if_icmpne
  • goto
  • sipush

TODO opcodes

  • dup, dup_x1, dup_x2
  • dup2, dup2_x1, dup2_x2
  • goto_w, ret
  • pop, pop2
  • [fd]cmpg, [fd]cmpl, [fd]neg, dsub
  • frem, fadd, fsub
  • ladd, lcmp, ldiv, lmul, lneg, lor, lrem, lreturn, lshl, lshr, lsub, lushr, lxor
  • iand, idiv, iinc, ineg, ior, irem, ireturn, ishl, ishr, iushr, ixor
  • if_acmpeq, if_acmpne, ifeq, ifge, ifgt, ifle, iflt, ifne, ifnonnul, ifnull
  • impdep1, impdep2
  • jsr, jsr_w
  • [adf]return,
  • [adfil]load, [a]store
  • [bcdfls]aload
  • wide
  • swap
  • breakpoint
  • checkcast
  • instanceof
  • lookupswitch, tableswitch
  • monitorenter, monitorexit
  • multianewarray

Unsupported opcodes

  • athrow